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Vectorization Techniques for Prolog without Explosion

Kanada, Y., and Sugaya, M., International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence '89, pp. 151-156, 1989.

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要旨 (英語のみ): This paper describes a technique for executing logic programming languages such as Prolog for the Cray-type vector processors. This technique, which we call the parallel backtracking technique, enables a kind of or-parallel execution without process explosion. The compiled intermediate language code for the parallel backtracking execution is the same as the code presented in our previous paper. The compilation is based on a kind of program transformation called or-vectorization. However, the interpretation of the intermediate code is changed to enable the parallel backtracking execution. An execution simulator and a compiler prototype were developed. We have not yet implemented this technique to our native code execution system, but we expect a performance of eight times or more higher than scalar processing upon implementation.

研究テーマ紹介: 論理 / 記号 ベクトル処理

キーワード: 論理型言語, プログラミング言語処理系, 記号処理ベクトル化, ベクトル記号処理, 並列記号処理, スーパーコンピューティング, スーパー記号処理, 並列処理, ベクトル処理



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1989-07-01 00:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


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