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Research methodology to Way of life

Explanation on “Research-methodology to Way-of-Life archive”

I am an engineer in a commercial company, but I am a research scientist too. This category and this category in the Japanese version of my blog contains topics from my research methodology, my pholosophy on working and living, i.e., hacker ethics (See “趣味 (あそび) と仕事の一致” and “Hob -- a fusion of job and hobby”), to my way of life. However, there is no such article on a specific research in my company that is my company's secret. However, maybe you can use this information to get a precious human resource :-) The upper category is Blog from Kanada.

BTW, as shown on the top of the category page, the submission date of this page is intentionally set 0001-01-01 00:00:00. However, the actual submission date is 2009-01-18 14:06:18.

To keep the page light, I exclude photos in individual pages from the archive page. Instead, I inserted some of them here.



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