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April 2015 Archives

Kanada, Y., Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 5, No 4, Part-5, April 2015, pp.70-77.
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この論文の日本語版 (IPSJ)

skewedPyramid.jpgAbstract: When creating shapes by using a 3D printer, usually, a static (declarative) model designed by using a 3D CAD system is translated to a CAM program and it is sent to the printer. However, widely-used FDM-type 3D printers input a dynamical (procedural) program that describes control of motions of the print head and extrusion of the filament. If the program is expressed by using a programming language or a library in a straight manner, solids can be created by a method similar to turtle graphics. An open-source library that enables “turtle 3D printing” method was described by Python and tested. Although this method currently has a problem that it cannot print in the air; however, if this problem is solved by an appropriate method, shapes drawn by 3D turtle graphics freely can be embodied by this method.

Introduction to this research theme: 3D shape formation technologies

Keywords: 3D printer, Turtle graphics, Fused Deposition Modeling, FDM

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