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Art, Event and Entertainment:Music , Art, Event and Entertainment:Videos, Movies, and Television

Free video of "A Survivor from Warsaw" from the Schoenberg Center

The Schönberg Center in Austria uploaded tens of performance videos of Arnold Schönberg's music and documentary videos to YouTube. Most of the music performances are fragments, but some short pieces are completely included in the videos. "A Survivor from Warsaw" conducted by Holst Stein and "talked" by Herman Prei (by sprech-gesang) is a valuable video to be listened. Not only the performance but also the recording and the images are good.

"A Survivor from Warsaw" expresses the voices and sounds that a man who was in a ghetto in Warsaw and was almost killed by Nati's soldiers. Furious words by the soldiers and words like "they [Jews] are all dead" are repeated, the music comes to a climax, and the music is closed with Jews' sublime chorus. This music piece was written by the twelve-tone technique, and it is very effectively used.

When I was in the 9th grade (in 1972 (?)), CBS Sony (now called SME) sold a series of LPs titled Schönberg's complete work. I was just interested in Schönberg, so I bought all the LPs of the series. This piece was in this series. This is one of the music pieces that represents the 20th Century, which is often called the century of world wars.

The Schoenberg Center also uploaded "Orchestral Pieces, Op. 16" and "Chamber Symphony No. 1", but they are incomprehensively shortened. They do not contain whole music but they are too long as samples.

Keywords: Arnold Shoenberg


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