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Computer Vision

MPEG video file generation from Caltech dataset

The Caltech pedestrian dataset contains a special format videos. The following program converts them to normal video format files. The extension of the generated file is ".avi", but ".mpg" can also be used (can be rewritten).

The usage when the program below is stored in file "caltechVideo.py" is as follows. This invocation converts a video file 'V000' in directory 'set00' to an AVI file in directory 'Images'.

import caltechVideo caltechVideo.genVideo('set00', 'V000')

### Generate an AVI file from Caltech Dataset ###
import cv2, cv, time, struct
import Image, utils, random, os, gzip
import numpy as np
def createPedestrianWriter(outFile, width, height):
    writer = cv2.VideoWriter()
    writer.open(outFile, cv.CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1'), fps = 30,
                frameSize = (width, height), isColor = False)
    return writer
def genVideo1(inFile, outFile):
    def read_header(ifile):
        feed = ifile.read(4)
        norpix = ifile.read(24)
        version = struct.unpack('@i', ifile.read(4))
        length = struct.unpack('@i', ifile.read(4))
        assert(length != 1024)
        descr = ifile.read(512)
        params = [struct.unpack('@i', ifile.read(4))[0] for i in range(0,9)]
        fps = struct.unpack('@d', ifile.read(8))
        # skipping the rest
        image_ext = {100:'raw', 102:'jpg', 201:'jpg', 1:'png', 2:'png'}
        return {'w':params[0],
    print('From {} to {}'.format(inFile, outFile))
    params = read_header(open(inFile, 'rb'))
    bytes = open(inFile, 'rb').read()
    writer = createPedestrianWriter(outFile, 640, 480)
    # this is freaking magic, but it works
    extra = 8
    s = 1024
    seek = [0]*(params['num_frames']+1)
    seek[0] = 1024
    # print("Params:{0}".format(params)) #!!!!!!
    for i in range(0, params['num_frames']-1): ##!!! why -1?
        tmp = struct.unpack_from('@I', bytes[s:s+4])[0]
        s = seek[i] + tmp + extra
        if i == 0:
            val = struct.unpack_from('@B', bytes[s:s+1])[0]
            if val != 0:
                s -= 4
                extra += 8
                s += 8
        seek[i+1] = s
        nbytes = struct.unpack_from('@i', bytes[s:s+4])[0]
        # print("Frame:{0} seek:{1}".format(i, s))
        I = bytes[s+4:s+nbytes]
        tmp_file = '/tmp/img{0}_{1}.jpg'.format(os.getpid(), i)
        open(tmp_file, 'wb+').write(I)
        img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(tmp_file), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
def genVideo(dir, name):
    inFile = dir + '/' + name + '.seq'
    outFile = 'Images/' + dir + '_' + name + '.avi'
    genVideo1(inFile, outFile)


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