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DIY and Craftsmanship:3D printing & CAD

I do not understand the reason why Printrbot is so popular ever

I attended the SFF Symposium of this year and found that there were several presentations that focused on Printrbot, a 3D printer make. Printrbot was the first 3D printer that I built up from a kit. I found several design defects that causes my much labor. When I see what they have done since then, they seem to be mindless of users convenience. However, Printrbot seems to be still popular among much increased types of 3D printers. I do not understand the reason why so.

When I bought a Printrbot, the gears were printed by a 3D printer using ABS. It was the same way as RepRap. The body was changed to wood-made instead of ABS or metal pipes. The extruder was designed to use lazar-cutted thin wood blocks. It was not very precise. It was apparent that it was designed by a designer who does not know the basics of machine engineering.

I have bought no more Printrbot since then, of course, but I have seen Printrbot products have been changed again and again. The material of gear was changed to be wood from ABS. I do not think wood blocks cut by a lazar cutter are suited for gears. Recently, they sell all-metal products. I do not think that Printrbot products change again and again because it is good for users. They seems to follow their own interest and sells immature products every time. The users who must follow them must be annoyed. What is the reason why such a selfish maker is popular, I do not understand it.

Another printer I bought is Rostock MAX by SeeMeCNC. This product has been gradually improved, but the basic design is not changed. The design of print head of Rostock MAX was not necessarily good, and it caused troubles many times, and they caused my labor. However, it was designed much more reasonably than Printrbot, and the assembly process did not cause many problems. The current product must be more improved. I support the way of SeeMeCNC.



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