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DIY and Craftsmanship:3D printing & CAD

“Natural creation” in “3D-printing trouble-shooting”

All3DP, a Web site that nicely summarizes various 3D-printing related topics, presented 3D printing trouble shooting: 34 common problems. The description of countermeasure is not necessarily very convenient. However, there are several interesting photos in the described cases.

Recently, several books on trouble-shooting are available, but I have not yet seen such a Web site as this site that describes so many and various cases.

In the case photos, although the following four certainly show troubles because the goals were not achieved, they can be regarded as interesting cases because unexpectedly curious structures were created.

In the case 9 (see the lower left photo), mesh-like structures are created instead of generating supports. These structures are similar to those described in the following papers that I wrote. (I wrote several other papers on this issue too and wrote some blog articles (in Japanese) as “3D fluctuated printing”.)

3DPrint_Problems_Supports.jpg Scrape.jpg

The case 25 (see upper right photo) shows unexpected skewed lines. These lines are probably generated by the same cause as the case 9.

You can see similar structures in the case 27 (see left below photo). The case 30 (see lower right photo) is considered to show the same type of structures in the air.

Under-Extrusion.jpg Stringing.jpg

These structures are not designed by human. However, they are too curious to be ignored and to be thrown away. I believe structures such as the above ones, which can be regarded as naturally created structures, are valuable to be used in 3D-printing.



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