From: (Junko Yoshimura) Newsgroups: tnn.interv-e Subject: VCOM NewsLetter Vol.1 No.5 Date: 12 Aug 95 00:43:35 GMT X-Destination: feednews -n tnn.interv-e To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII VCOM Newsletter Vol.1. No.5 June 29, 1995 Many thanks to the interest indicated in response to the previous issue of thie newsletter, which featured a general outline of VCOM. This issue will provide information about the relationship between the InterVnet and VCOM, followed by some basic rules for participating in VCOM. Further details of the prospective activities and participation regulations, however, will be announced by October 1995. * Use of InterVnet and Participation in VCOM VCOM has two facets: one as manager of the information network system which provides InterVnet for a general public; another as research group which engages in experimental projects using InterVnet. InterVnet, as may be known, is an open medium which is accessible via the Internet or through major commercial BBSs in Japan. On the other hand, VCOM is an independent project organized by Professor Kaneko at Keio University. VCOM is administered by an organization with goals of its own and with own financial and other resources. VCOM's resource manegement must follow guidelines and rules of Keio University and of SFC Research Consortium for which VCOM is a part. This will naturally set limitations on those who can participate in VCOM. To be more precise, the particular organizations to which VCOM has requested participation or others which will have exchange agreements with VCOM may participate in VCOM project. * Open, Transparent, and Free Medium Upon its inauguration, InterVnet declared that it would be an open and transparent medium. This posture will continue. InterVnet will aim at serving as medium that can be accessed by a wide range of computer users. It will accordingly make effort not only to make connections through major commercial BBSs in Japan but also via numerous other grass-root BBSs. The kinds of information dealt with within the framework of the InterVnet will be decided through some trial-and-error type effort and experiences, but it will follow the general guidelines of the Internet. VCOM, therefore, will not, other than asking the users to follow the styles indicated as the standard of VCOM, restrict the intentions and contents of the information posted to the network. VCOM, moreover, will not impose any access fees, though users must, of course, cover fees for communications (such as telephone connections) and for the commercial BBSs and or Internet fees when accessing through these services. InterVnet, therefore, strives to be an open, transparent, and free (of charge) medium. For inquiries concerning the methods for accessing the InterVnet through various BBSs, please contact the Secretariat of VCOM. * Steering Committee, Advisory Board, and the Secretariat VCOM will be administered by Steering Committee, Advisory Board and Secretariat. The members of the Steering Committee, appointed and announced earlier, will in principle remain unchanged for the first year. The members of the Advisory Board are appointed by the Steering Committee and are subject to change when suchi is deemed appropriate by the Steering Committee. The tasks and chores of the Secretariat will be undertaken by the Editorial Engineering Laboratory by the contract agreed upon with VCOM. * Runnin the InterVnet Among VCOM's research activities, the role of running the InterVnet will be carried out under the following principles: The maintenance and administration of the host system for the InterVnet will be undertaken by the System Operation Team appointed by the Steering Committee. While the members of the BBS Council are to be selected among the commercial BBSs upon request of the Steering Committee, the members of the AUP Council will be individuals chosen upon the request of the Steering Committee. Members of respective councils are subject to change when suchi is deemed necesary by the Steering Committee. The User Conference, which was newly established in early July, will serve as an electronic conference where the discussions about the use of the InterVnet as an infrastructure for sharing information at citizens' level may be held. From time to time, issues discussed in the User Conference will be taken up by the Steering Committee and will be presented to the BBS and AUP councils. The Steering Committee has an authority to decide what is to be implemented to the InterVnet, but the Committee will be placing importance to the discussions to be taken place in the User Conference. * Symposium Though the details are yet to be decided, VCOM plans to hold a VCOM symposium at an appropriate time. The participants will be drawn from public through application. Details will be given when they become available. * Participating to VCOM Case Projects Many VCOM case projects, each of which is an experimental "imformation community" building based on the InterVnet, will be carried out upon request from VCOM with various NGOs, NPOs, volunteer groups, for-profit companies, and autonomous bodies as collaborators. Details and names of the organizations and persons responsible for the case projects during the first year will be made public via this newsletter by October 1995. The following is information available at this point. A collaborator of a VCOM case project is an organization or a group with a designated representative. The participation as an individual to a case project is approved on an individual case project bases by the respective representative of the case project. Due to the limitation of capacity both in terms of staff and financial resources, VCOM is unable to commit itself to making public announcements calling for proposals for case projects. A case project must be officially approved by the Steering Committee. A few projects, so far, have already underway. The following indicates basic necessary conditions for a project to be recognized as an official VCOM case project by the Steering Committee A case project is: - in line with the aims of VCOM - in balance with other case projects of VCOM in terms of relevant fields and contents - to be administered and undertaken by a group with a designated representative - deemed plausible to produce specific results with the specified action plan - to have sufficient financial resources of its own and in agreement with VCOM with respect to cost sharing if such is necessary Once recognized as an officil VCOM case project, ceritain technical supports including establishing electronic conferences in all BBSs participating in InterVnet. Also, VCOM will provide mailing lists, Internet sub-domain, and dial-up account for Internet access. Financial resources for carrying out each case project must, in principle, be provided by the respective group which carries out the case project, though there may be cases when some limited financail assistance is extended by VCOM. Financail management and other details such as selecting members to carry out the project must be carried out by the representative of the group in consultation with the Steering Committee. * Participation in VCOM by way of extending financial support Companies and local and central govenment offices may participate in VCOM by means of providing financial support or entrusting specific research. For such participation, it may be necessary to follow certain guidelines such as signing a contract with Keio University to be a member of the Research Consortium of Keio University. For details, please contact the VCOM Secretariat. VCOM Secretariat c/o Editorial Engineering Laboratory attn: Ms. Misuzu Morikawa ( 1-4-7-202 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 153 Tel:+81-3-3780-0800; fax:+81-3-3780-0900 VCOM e-mail address: